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Tuesday 5 June 2007

A little ray of Sunshine - French Cheesecake yoghurt with Passionfruit and Mandarin

Ok, so it may be too simple to put on here, but you gotta start somewhere (right DT?).

Here's what you need:
- 1/2 cup of French Cheesecake yoghurt, if you can't find that vanilla will suffice (but just make sure that it's French Vanilla)
- 1 peeled mandarin
- 1 passionfruit

Here's what you do:
Peel the mandarin. Spoon the yoghurt in the centre. Top off with the passionfruit.

That's it :)

1 comment:

Mr DT said...

Ah hahaha...
OK, I can deal with the yoghurt bit, maybe do the passionfruit bit. But I can't peel mandarins....